


Discover Your Spiritual Potential

Discover Your Spiritual Potential Kadampa Meditationszentrum Hamburg, Erikastraße 99, 20251 Hamburg Tickets

Credits: Bild KMC NYC

Kadampa Meditationszentrum Hamburg, Hamburg (DE)

For decades, society as a whole has been moving further and further away from spiritual development. On one level, this is perfectly logical and understandable: scientific knowledge, technological progress and even scandals have undermined many foundations of faithbased practices. However, the failure of some old systems does not mean that we as humans do not still have a spiritual side and spiritual needs, or that all spiritual practice is worthless.

We all carry deep within us a longing for stability, connection, deep inner peace and blissful happiness. A life during which we ignore or do not properly nurture this facet of ourselves will sooner or later feel hollow and meaningless; we will feel adrift in the maelstrom of events without inner support and will also find it difficult to live authentically - because, quite simply, you can only live authentically and meaningfully if you live in sync with your own deepest emotional needs and the world.

During this public talk with guided meditations, internationally renowned Buddhist teacher Kadam Morten will introduce practical methods that help you recognize your spiritual potential and that inspire you to nourish it skillfully through meditation practice.

Der Event beginnt in
4 Tage
4 Std
10 Min
42 Sek


EPC KMC Hamburg


Price: 15 €

Zum Vorverkauf

Total: XX.XX



Kadampa Meditationszentrum Hamburg, Erikastraße 99, Hamburg, DE