


GoSimple! Workshop Local Consumption & Mobility

GoSimple! Workshop Local Consumption & Mobility Impact Hub Basel, Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel Tickets

Credits: GreenUp

Impact Hub Basel, Basel (CH)

In this GoSimple workshop, we’ll go on a city safari and experience different sustainability concepts and shops. 

We will explore how to support local businesses and make smarter choices when shopping. Mobility is the second topic. You’ll learn about and exchange tips around different ways to get around the city and from and to Basel without needing a car. 

What you'll learn and experience:

  • Get to know cool sustainable concepts and stores in Basel

  • How to support local shops and businesses

  • How walking, biking, and public transport can work for you in practice

  • How to make smart choices when shopping


This Workshop is part of the GoSimple programme to live a simpler and more sustainable lifestyle. You can sign up for just this workshop, or join the full programme with all its benefits:


Veranstalter:in von GoSimple! Workshop Local Consumption & Mobility



Online-Verkauf endet am Samstag, 10.05.2025 18:00


40.00 CHF

Household, Household with discount (upon approval)

20.00 CHF

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Impact Hub Basel, Horburgstrasse 105, Basel, CH


GoSimple! Workshop Local Consumption & Mobility wird organisiert durch:
