



BOUCHRA KHALILI Luma Westbau, Limmatstrasse 270, 8005 Zürich Billets

Credits: The Public Storyteller, 2024. Dual synchronized channel. 18'. Video and 16mm film transferred to video. Color and black&white. Video still. Sound. Courtesy of the artist and Mor Charpentier gallery, Paris/Bogota.

Luma Westbau, Zürich (CH)

Bouchra Khalili (b. 1975) is a French–Moroccan artist whose multi-disciplinary practice develops collaborative strategies of storytelling with members of communities excluded from citizen membership.

Combining the traditions of post-independence avant-gardes and conceptual practices, Khalili’s work suggests poetical hypotheses for newer imaginations of community.

Central to the exhibition are three seminal works: The Tempest Society (2017), The Circle Project (2023), and The Public Storyteller (2024). These works trace the legacy of the Mouvement des travailleurs arabes (MTA) and its theatre groups, Al Assifa and Al Halaka, highlighting their pioneering struggle for equal rights in 1970s France and their enduring relevance.

Through storytelling, montage, and performance, Khalili’s works invite viewers to witness forgotten histories, reflect on our present, and imagine our potential collective futures.


Friedrich von Bruehl


Free admission

Total: XX.XX CHF



Luma Westbau, Limmatstrasse 270, Zürich, CH