


English Comedy Knight

English Comedy Knight WerkStadt, Emser Straße 124, 12051 Berlin Billets

Credits: John Armstrong

WerkStadt, Berlin (DE)

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Good folk of the realm, I prithee embark upon a journey where merriment and jest have sworn fealty!

In the noble tradition of medieval mirth, we summon thee to an eventide of entertainment and hearty har-hars! A cavalcade of mirth-makers, nay forsooth a fellowship of fools and daring damsels, shall grace our humble stage, bearing jokes and tales to tickle thy funny bone, armed with wit sharper than any sword, aiming to slay thee with laughter!

Our master of ceremonies for this regal eventide of entertainment is Johnny Armstrong, a champion mirth-maker and the first Berlin merryman born beyond the borders of the realm to become established within the German comedy guild, enjoying widespread patronage and making a multitude of appearances on the magic picture box.

Verily, spread the word, invite kinsmen and fellow villagers, and let us together weave a tapestry of joyous memories in the hallowed halls of humour! Let mirth prevail!

L'événement est terminé


John Armstrong


La vente de billets en ligne est terminée le 23.10.2024 22:00.



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Total: XX.XX

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Contacter l'organisateur

Total: XX.XX



WerkStadt, Emser Straße 124, Berlin, DE


English Comedy Knight est organisé par:

John Armstrong