Event-Image for 'Duo Mattick Huth - Belle Époque'
Event-Image for 'Rock maritim'
Event-Image for 'Klezmersession'
Event-Image for 'Entfesselte Emotionen'
Event-Image for 'Mermaid Man - Let's Dance To The End Of The World'
Event-Image for 'Circle Singing'
Event-Image for 'Traces'
Event-Image for 'Circle Singing'
Event-Image for 'Circle Singing'
Event-Image for 'Circle Singing'
Event-Image for 'Soul, Soul, Soul, Sweet Soul'
Event-Image for 'Simon & Garfunkel Tribute meets Classic'
Event-Image for 'TRAUMZEIT'
Event-Image for 'Matti Klein Soul Trio at K9 Konstanz'
Event-Image for 'Voix instrumentalisée'
Event-Image for 'Dialog with Inner Voices'

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