


Rang Barse - Celebrate Holi with IAGZ

Rang Barse - Celebrate Holi with IAGZ Zwicky-Fabrik Fällanden, Wigartenstrasse 13, 8117 Fällanden Tickets

Credits: IAGZ

Zwicky-Fabrik Fällanden, Fällanden (CH)

IAGZ  in collaboration with the Embassy of India Berne, presents Rang Barse- Holi celebrations with Cultural events, Food stalls, Activity stalls and much more. Get enthralled by DJ Linco !!
Ticket is only for entry to the event - A colourful , Fun filled day  from 11:00 to 19:00 hrs. Come with you friends , family and collegues to enjoy the vibes of Holi.
To participate in Cultural programs and perform on stage, their is a separate registration . All performers will get a certificate of appreciation from the Embassy of India. Register here for cultural participation. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZynhN-2H4KnWvSpI6DbxmCdHwew7buv9geCrm_X-W27huEg/viewform 

for more details follow IAGZ  in Facebook and Instagram 


Veranstalter:in von Rang Barse - Celebrate Holi with IAGZ

Indian Association of Greater Zurich


Online-Verkauf endet am Sonntag, 23.03.2025 19:00

Member Adults -above 13 ( includes 5chf coupon)

Nur noch 2 Tickets verfügbar
5.00 CHF

Non Member Adults- above 13

Nur noch 2 Tickets verfügbar
10.00 CHF

Children below 13 free entry

Nur noch 2 Tickets verfügbar
0.00 CHF

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Total: XX.XX CHF

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Zwicky-Fabrik Fällanden, Wigartenstrasse 13, Fällanden, CH


Rang Barse - Celebrate Holi with IAGZ wird organisiert durch:

Indian Association of Greater Zurich