


Improv Workshop with Susan Messing & John Lehr

Improv Workshop with Susan Messing & John Lehr Tanzwerk101, Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Nicole Gögel

Tanzwerk101, Zürich (CH)

A double-workshop with not one, but two amazing improvisers. Find out "Where the hell are we?" with John Lehr and "Fix it or make it worse" with Susan Messing.

"Where the hell are we?" - Tired of standing on stage in the middle of nowhere? Or randomly making up a location because that’s what you are supposed to do? This workshop reinvigorates your muscles to find the “where” in a completely organic way. Afterwards, we take location into the stratosphere and discover how discovering our “where” leads to connectivity, character and relationships!

“Fix it or make it worse" - It is time to finally get answers to those questions and problems with improvisation that you have thought about forever and just can’t crack the code. This class is pretty self explanatory. Part lecture, part get up and go, no question too stupid. Let’s break improv wide open, take rules out of the picture, and celebrate comedy again. If you’re in your head, this’ll rip it out. Perfect for people who have studied too much and learned too little. 

This workshops two different parts cannot be booked individually. Each workshop consists of a block of 3 hours with Susan Messing and 3h with John Lehr. The maximum number of participants is 24, which will be divided into two groups.

Intermediate / Advanced Levels.


Fleur Kläger


Online-Verkauf endet am Freitag, 11.04.2025 00:00


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200.00 CHF

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Tanzwerk101, Pfingstweidstrasse 101, Zürich, CH

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Improv Workshop with Susan Messing & John Lehr wird organisiert durch:

Fleur Kläger