


Storytelling Workshop on Thu. 25 July in Zurich

Storytelling Workshop on Thu. 25 July in Zurich L200, Langstrasse 200, 8005 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Joel Blom

L200, Zürich (CH)

Join the Storytellers Workshop to design and practice telling good stories July 25th from 18:00-21:00. Check out our workshop page for who what when why and full programme.
Normally Zurich Storytellers hosts Workshops in spring and winter. But recent StorySLAM shows have radically benefited from storytellers who completed our workshops (some have even won Best Storyteller of the Month!). So if you are keen to upskill your storytelling chops, sign up for one of the 8 seats (limited seating to allow time for 1:1 coaching by Maria and Joel). It's fun, it's useful, its for you if you want to:
Mine your memories. Connect the dots. Get inspired. Magnify emotions. Share bravely. Shape the debate. Hold your space. Enroll to gain insights and practice telling personal stories.
Let's get you telling stories this summer. Reserve a seat today!


Zurich Storytellers c/o Joel Blom


Reservations will be confirmed upon receipt of payment to Joel Blom
TWINT: +41 79 703 80 03
IBAN: CH040020620635383140A
Deadline: Monday 22 July 2024
*If you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your fee.

Zum Vorverkauf

Total: XX.XX CHF



L200, Langstrasse 200, Zürich, CH