Your tickets and over thousands events on your smartphone

The most colourful calendar of events as an app

Now it's app time! Never miss an event again with the Eventfrog event calendar app.

  • Discover thousands of events
  • Event suggestions based on your interests
  • Benefit from discounted tickets and vouchers
  • Eventfrog tickets always with you

The entire event landscape in the palm of your hand. Get the Eventfrog app on your mobile phone for free now.

App for your event adventure!

The best calendar of events

With countless events, you can immerse yourself in the country's most exciting event programme.

Your tickets always with you

Printing out tickets is a thing of the past: you can find all your purchased tickets conveniently in the app. So nothing stands in the way of your next event experience!

Discover the top deals

Exclusive discounts on various tickets and exciting vouchers can be found in the app. It's worth taking a look.

Find your next event

Download the free Eventfrog app now and discover your next event and unforgettable experiences.

You can also find tips and instructions for the Eventfrog app in our help centre.

To the help centre