Event-Image for 'amarcord - 24. Internationales a cappella Festival'
Event-Image for 'The Tallis Scholars - 24. Internation. a cappella Festival'
Event-Image for 'Auftritt Big N'
Event-Image for 'Familienkonzert/Füenf - 24. a cappella Festival'
Event-Image for 'Füenf - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Mantra Singkonzert'
Event group
Event-Image for 'Art'n'Voices - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Shemesh Quartet - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for '14. Internationaler a cappella Wettbewerb Leipzig'
Event group
Event-Image for 'FRANKY DICKENS BAND - Rockn Blues Tour'
Event-Image for 'Franky Dickens Band -  Rockn Blues Tour'
Event-Image for 'Vocado - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Svetoglas - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Showcase - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Acapellago - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Abschlusskonzert - 24. Internationales Festival a cappella'
Event-Image for 'Silverblue Joyriders-Songs by Roxette'
Event-Image for 'Almost Twins - Hands/Trees Release-Konzert'
Event-Image for 'Korine Live at Darkflower'
Event-Image for 'MDR KLASSIK  Nachtgesang 65'
Event-Image for 'Holly Johnson - Best Of + Frankie Goes To Hollywood Hits'

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