Swiss Post as your box office for tickets

Around 700 Swiss Post branches are official Eventfrog box offices

We are delighted that Swiss Post is our partner for physical ticket sales. This means that you can use around 700 Swiss Post branches in German and French-speaking Switzerland as public box offices for your presale. And your guests can buy tickets not only online, but also directly at the post office counter.

Presale via box offices is worth it

Online ticket presale is booming, but that doesn't mean that traditional, physical box offices have had their day. Internet presale is still perceived as an obstacle in some cases. Be it because the know-how is lacking, because the computer is currently not working or because no credit card is available. In these cases, physical presale ist still a legit alternative. With Swiss Post we have found the ideal partner to offer nationwide presale in all regions.

The credo is: make it easy for your guests and avoid obstacles. Provide your guests with all purchase and payment options.

How much does the physical presale cost?

It is clear: buying tickets at the counter involves an effort and therefore costs something. The ticket buyer pays a small surcharge at the counter: 3 francs for one ticket, 6 francs for 2 tickets and 9 francs for 3 tickets or more. This compensates Swiss Post for the time and effort it takes to operate the box office network and to process ticket purchases at the counter.

Presale via Swiss Post is an optional additional service

Event organisers themselves decide whether they want to use the Swiss Post box office network. Public presale via Swiss Post is automatically enabled in the Eventfrog Cockpit along with other box offices, but event organisers can deselect them.

Make it as easy as possible for your ticket buyers! Offer your tickets online and offline.