With our price calculator we show you our unbeatable prices and save you the complicated price calculation.
Simply calculate how much you can earn depending on the ticket price and event package. All amounts are issued including VAT.
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With our price calculator we show you our unbeatable prices and save you the complicated price calculation.
Simply calculate how much you can earn depending on the ticket price and event package. All amounts are issued including VAT.
With our price calculator, you can quickly and easily calculate your potential income.
Enter the number of tickets and the price.
Test without obligation how high your income per model is. Decide for yourself whether you want to transfer the All-in-One service costs to the ticket purchasers or take them over.
If the ticket price exceeds €50, the Plus model is automatically selected.
If you click on "without third-party advertising", your event will be included in the Pro model.
Calculate your revenue
No costs incur for tickets without online payment via Eventfrog in the Free package.
No costs incur for tickets via Eventfrog in the Free package.
No costs can be transferred without online payment via Eventfrog.
No costs incur for free tickets in the Free package.
No costs can be transferred for free tickets.
Ticket price
Sold tickets
Price ticket buyer
Free package
The most important functions
With third-party advertising
Plus package
All functions
With third-party advertising
Pro package
All functions
Without third-party advertising
Our event packages
Your current package
Your current package
Your current package
Price details excl. VAT
Service fees for online payment through Eventfrog | Free for organizers when transferred to ticket buyers (otherwise 0.19 € per Ticket + 1.9% excl. VAT) | Free for organizers when transferred to ticket buyers (otherwise 0.69 € per Ticket + 2.9% excl. VAT) | Free for organizers when transferred to ticket buyers (otherwise 0.89 € per Ticket + 3.9% excl. VAT) |
Own Payment Processing | Free for everyone | 0.69 € per Ticket excl. VAT | 0.89 € per Ticket excl. VAT |
To the complete overview of all functions of the event packages:
https://eventfrog.de/priceTransparent event packages
No fixed costs or fees you choose your package per event at Eventfrog.
Huge range of features
We offer numerous free features for successful event management.
We are happy to help. Our telephone support is available Monday to Friday from 9:00–12:00 and 13:00–17:00.
E-mail: support@eventfrog.de
Hotline: +49 30 403 66 97 60
At weekends and on public holidays, we offer support by e-mail in urgent cases.
CHF 0.00