


Silence Through the Body

Silence Through the Body Das Zentrum der Körperarbeit, Schaffhauserstrasse 43, 8006 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Michelle Sabatini

Das Zentrum der Körperarbeit, Zürich (CH)

By engaging your attention in breathiing and the movements, you will create and enhance bodyattention, silence and calmness.
Breathing combined with slow movements are incredible instruments for increasing self-awareness and changing your own state: through breathing exercises you can become more focused and calm, mobilise your energy, change repetitive restrictive patterns. By being more aware of your body, you strengthen the ability to be silent and concentrated.

During this workshop you will:

  • learn  some easy exercises you could practice by yourself afterwards, 
  • reflect and be more aware of the noises in your mind and the effects they have on your body
  • experiencing a different mental state through engaging your attention in the body's experiences.

Event organiser

Event organiser of Silence Through the Body



Sale ends on Sunday, 11.05.2025 14:30


Only 5 Tickets available
150.00 CHF

Prices incl. taxes

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Total: XX.XX CHF

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Das Zentrum der Körperarbeit, Schaffhauserstrasse 43, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Silence Through the Body is organised by:
