

14.9. - 20.4.

Saisonkarte Unihockey Basel Regio 2024/25

Saisonkarte Unihockey Basel Regio 2024/25 Sportzentrum Pfaffenholz, Im Burgfelderhof 60B, 4055 Basel Tickets

Credits: Unihockey Basel Regio

Sportzentrum Pfaffenholz, Basel (CH)

Die Saisonkarte ist übertragbar und berechtigt zum Eintritt an alle Heimspielen der Männer L-UPL und Frauen NLB inkl. Cupspiele und Playoffspiele in der Saison 2024/25.

  • Normalpreis Erwachsene (ab 16 Jahren): CHF 150
  • Early Bird Preis Erwachsene: CHF 100
  • Normalpreis Jugendliche (12-15 Jahre): CHF 50

Provisorischer Spielplan Qualifikation Männer L-UPL

  • Sa. 14.9.2024 UBR vs Zug United
  • Sa. 5.10.2024 UBR vs. Chur Unihockey
  • So. 13.10.2024 UBR vs UHC Uster
  • Sa. 2.11.2024 UBR vs HC Rychenberger
  • Do. 7.11.2024 UBR vs SV Wiler-Ersigen
  • So. 17.11 2024 UBR vs WASA St. Gallen
  • Sa. 21.12.2024 UBR vs GC Zürich
  • So. 19.01.2025 UBR vs UHC Alligator Malans
  • Sa. 8.2.2025 UBR vs Floorball Köniz
  • Sa. 15.2.2025 UBR vs Floorball Thurgau
  • So. 2.3.2025 UBR vs Unihockey Tigers

Provisorischer Spielplan Qualifikation Frauen NLB

  • Sa. 14.9.24 UBR vs Hot Chilis Rümlang
  • So. 29.9.24 UBR vs Visper Lions
  • So. 6.10.2024 UBR vs Red Lions Frauenfeld
  • Sa. 26.10.24 UBR vs Nesslau Sharks
  • So. 17.11.24 UBR vs Aegera Giffers
  • So. 24.11.24 UBR vs Floorball Uri
  • Sa. 7.12.24 UBR vs UH Appenzell
  • Sa. 21.12.24 UBR vs UHC Bremgarten
  • Sa. 18.1.25 UBR vs Lejon Zäziwil
Event running

Event organiser

Event organiser of Saisonkarte Unihockey Basel Regio 2024/25

Unihockey Basel Regio


Sale ends on Sunday, 20.04.2025 23:59

Saisonkarte Erwachsene (ab 16 Jahren)

Few tickets available
157.05 CHF
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: CHF 150.

Saisonkarte Kinder (12-15 Jahre)

52.85 CHF
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: CHF 50.

Prices incl. taxes incl. transaction costs

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Total: XX.XX CHF

Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Sportzentrum Pfaffenholz, Im Burgfelderhof 60B, Basel, CH

Event links

Event organiser

Saisonkarte Unihockey Basel Regio 2024/25 is organised by:

Unihockey Basel Regio