

18.9. - 21.9.

26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical

26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Goethe University Frankfurt, 1 Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, 60629, Germany, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz, 60323 Frankfurt am Main Tickets

Credits: 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology

Topics of the 26th ESCV Conference will be focused on latest discoveries and innovations in clinical virology and will include: respiratory viruses, gastrointestinal viruses, neurovirology, viruses, tumors and immunocompromised hosts, hepatitis and HIV, viral infections in pregnancy, emerging and re-emerging viruses, immune response and vaccines, development of new antiviral strategies, advancements in diagnostics and clinical cases, NGS and virus discovery, one health approach and patient and staff perspectives / health services research.



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Event organiser

Kenes Group, Office: M+


General Admission: EUR 660.00

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Total: XX.XX



Goethe University Frankfurt, 1 Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, 60629, Germany, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz, Frankfurt am Main, DE

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