

29.6. - 24.8.

Richard Deacon: About us

Richard Deacon: About us Galerie Thomas Schulte, Charlottenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin Tickets
Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin (DE)

Galerie Thomas Schulte is pleased to present Richard Deacon’s upcoming exhibition "About Us” in the Corner Space. The show brings together the artist’s fundamental mediums of drawing and sculpture, featuring two works: an almost life-size steel sculpture along with an intricate black and white wall drawing. While both works showcase his mastery of materials and mediums, they also offer a unique glimpse into two decades of Deacon’s analytical form language and innovative artistry.

The event starts in
1 Days
1 h
45 min
34 s

Event organiser

Galerie Thomas Schulte

Total: XX.XX



Galerie Thomas Schulte, Charlottenstraße 24, Berlin, DE