


Lavon Volski - Acoustic Guitar Concert

Lavon Volski - Acoustic Guitar Concert GZ Riesbach, Seefeldstrasse 109, 8008 Zürich Tickets

Credits: internet

GZ Riesbach, Zürich (CH)

Франтмэн гурта VOLSKI, заснавальнік гуртоў N.R.M., Крамбамбуля і Zet, аўтар легендарных "Тры чарапахі", які ведае кожны беларус ува ўсім сьвеце, Лявон Вольскі завітае ў Цюрых у межах свайго акустычнага тура "Галопам па Эўропах" - 03.10.2024, дзе прадставіць свае легендарныя і новыя песьні.

Дата: 03.10.2024, чацвер

Мейсца: GZ Riesbach, Seefeldstrasse 93, 8008 Zürich

Час: 18.30 дзверы, 19.00 пачатак.


The frontman of the VOLSKI band, the founder of the N.R.M., Krambambulya and Zet bands, the author of the famous "Three Turtles", which is known to every Belarusian in the whole world, Lavon Volski will visit Zurich as part of his acoustic "Europe whirlwind tour" - on the October 3rd, where he presents his legendary and new songs.

Date: 03.10.2024, Thursday

Location: GZ Riesbach, Seefeldstrasse 93, 8008 Zürich

Time: 18.30 doors, 19.00 start.

The event starts in
6 Days
17 h
8 min
11 s

Event organiser

Lavon Volski


Sale ends on Thursday, 03.10.2024 22:00


CHF 45.00

Assoziirte Vereine

CHF 35.00

Studenten, Status S, AHV, Kinder ab 16 J

CHF 20.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Total: XX.XX CHF

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GZ Riesbach, Seefeldstrasse 109, Zürich, CH

Event organiser

Lavon Volski - Acoustic Guitar Concert is organised by:

Lavon Volski