


100th Birthday Tribute to Marshall Allen on Earth (Jazz)

Happy 100th Birthday Tribute to Marshall Allen on Earth (Jazz)

Reverend Hunter S. Chicken (titan tenor sax)

Pharoannes Rhea Schleiermacher (baritone saxophone, moon synthesizer)

Yorgos Iapetus Hochapfel (sun organ)

Isis Dione Rößler (horsehead nebula bass)

Yan Tethys Leipnitz (starr drums)

ngoma lugundu (baobabs, aegaeon vulcan dance)

& some very special extraterrestrians


Let's celebrate the birthday of the oldest practicing alto saxophonist and big band leader between the Sun and Jupiter.
Space is the Place!


The event starts in
6 Days
11 h
33 min
24 s

Event organiser

Verein zum Erhalt des Jugendwiderstandsmuseums

Total: XX.XX



Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche, Rigaer Straße 9, Berlin, DE