


Spektrum: Nadear Duo

“In Wehinger’s Sound one can hear an approach reflecting the European flute tradition along with a keen understanding of the myriad complexities and emotions that exist in the African-American musical tradition” – so James Newton über Günter Wehinger. Und “Minor 7th” schreibt zu Julio Azcano: "Not since Ralph Towner has a guitarist so fully integrated sophisticated jazz improvisation within the framework of the classical guitar." Nun sind die beiden Virtuosen im Duo auf der Spektrum-Bühne zu erleben.
The event starts in
3 Days
7 h
15 min
2 s

Total: XX.XX CHF



Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) | 7.K12 / Konzertsaal 3, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich, CH