Workshop Styling&Makeup

Workshop Styling&Makeup ${eventLocation} Tickets


Important information for you to enhance your beauty, respecting your personality and tastes. Giving direction and knowledge for you to learn how to choose models, accessories that flatter your shape and style and learn how to disguise imperfections.

MAKEUP WORKSHOP by Rommy Guerrero

As in fashion, makeup is reinvented every season with new trends and techniques. This way you can create natural makeup that flatters you the most or take a chance on more sophisticated and intense makeup without fear!

September 7th / 8th

Time: 10:30am-12:30pm / 1pm-3pm

Styling Workshop- 2h00
Apero drinks & snack- 00h30
Makeup Workshop- 2h00

- All course information
- Makeup Supplies
- Styling pdf book
- Apero drinks & snacks

Name Date / time Location

Ticket status:

Small amount available Few tickets available

Sold out No tickets available

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