Can I organise my event with Eventfrog completely free of charge?

Yes, our tool can be used completely free of charge as an organiser. Here is an overview of how you can use our tool free of charge and when fees apply:

For online payment via Eventfrog

With online payment via Eventfrog, you offer your ticket buyers not only a simple but also a secure payment method.

Event Package
Servicecosts Free of charge for event organisers when transferred to ticket buyers (otherwise 1.9% of the ticket price + 0.19 € per ticket) Free of charge for event organisers when transferred to ticket buyers (otherwise 2.9% of the ticket price + 0.69 € per ticket) Free of charge for event organisers when transferred to ticket buyers (otherwise 3.9% of the ticket price + 0.89 € per ticket)


For own payment processing

Own payment processing includes exclusively advance booking, payment on site at the box office or evening box office, advance sales via own advance booking offices and the issue of free tickets.

Event package
Servicecosts Free of charge for all 0.69 € per Ticket 0.89 € per Ticket

Package costs will also be charged for cancelled tickets. All prices listed are in EUR and exclude VAT.

More about this under: What are the all-in-one service costs?

Paid additional services

We also offer additional services that are subject to a charge. These include, for example, the free design of the ticket, which falls under the Pro model, or the use of advertising space. However, these services are all optional and not absolutely necessary for a functioning ticketing system. All additional services and prices are listed under Eventfrog -> Prices.